Want to take the Daizy ChatGPT Plugin for a spin but need some inspiration? Use our ultimate prompt collection to get started.

Below we've curated an extensive list of our favorite prompts to ask Daizy.

Latest News Prompts

Learn what happened in the market today

  • What’s the market pulse today?
  • What was the best performing sector today?
  • Tell me more about the best performing stock.
  • How risky is the stock?
  • How much money did it lose over 12 months?
  • Headlines about stock

Pro Tip: Click on any links to see more graphics.

What Next? Query different stocks/sectors!

Sustainability & Governance Prompts

Learn more about ESG

  • What does ESG mean?
  • SPY ESG score, display visuals if available
  • Which industry has the best E score? Display visuals if available.
  • Tell me more about IHI. Display visuals if available.
  • What industry has the best G score? Display visuals if available.
  • Tell me more about EWA. Display visuals if available.

Pro tip: Investigate S scores!

Learn how eco-friendly Tesla is

  • How eco is Tesla?
  • What are the UN sustainability development goals?
  • What is the S score for Tesla? Display visuals if available.
  • What is the G score of Tesla? Display visuals if available.
  • How do these states compare to GM?
  • How do the overall ESG scores compare? Display visuals if available.

Learn about the carbon emissions from Exxon

  • Exxon carbon emissions
  • Carbon emissions for other energy stocks

Investigate the diversification of Ford’s board

  • Ford women on board
  • See similar assets
  • GM women on board

Investigate the climate impact of Amazon

  • Amazon climate impact
  • What is AMZN ESG (impact score)?
  • Insider buys for AMZN
  • Earnings date for AMZN

Pro tip: Click on any links to see more graphics.

Learn about the health and safety record of Fedex

  • FedEx health and safety
  • See other integrated and freight logistics stocks
  • UPS health and safety 
  • Compare performance of Fedex and UPS

What Next? Try different companies, and then compare!

Performance & Risk Prompts

Understand how Microsoft performed recently

  • Microsoft performance
  • Analyst recommendations for microsoft
  • Does Microsoft follow the market?
  • What does correlation mean? Explain for a 9th grader.

Get transparency on the risk profile of Tesla

  • How risky is Tesla?
  • Explain the above for a 10th grader.

Learn how Amazon has done in recent months

  • Amazon monthly returns
  • Compare Amazon returns with the market.
  • Amazon stats
  • Controversial headlines for Amazon

ETF Research

Get under the hood of ETFs

  • Tell me about the ARKK ETF.
  • Largest holdings
  • Largest holdings performance, display visuals
  • Largest holdings - ESG analysis, display visuals
  • ARKK versus S&P 500, display visuals
  • ARKK latest news

Learn which EFTs are the most popular

  • Popular ETFs, display visuals
  • Show me ETFs with exposure to Tesla. Display visuals.
  • What is the sentiment of XLY? Display visuals.

Learn about the best sustainable ETFs

  • ESG ETFs, display visuals
  • VOO ESG score, display visuals
  • Which ESG ETF has the highest ESG score? Display visuals.
  • Tell me more about NUDM. Display visuals.

Learn what bond ETFs are out there

  • Fixed Income ETFs, display visuals
  • Tell me more about TLT. Display visuals.

Learn about commodity ETFs

  • Commodity ETFs, display visuals
  • Tell me more about PDBC. Display visuals.

What Next?

  • Explore any of the popular ETFs, and drill into the largest holdings.
  • Try different ETFs and stats.

Pro tip: Don't forget you can click on any links to see more graphics.


Learn about the most popular cryptos

  • Popular cryptos, display visuals
  • Tell me more about BTC. Display visuals.
  • Tell me more about ETH. Display visuals.
  • Tell me more about DOGE.
  • BTC versus ETH, display visuals

Understand how risky Bitcoin is

  • How risky is Bitcoin? Display visuals.
  • Explain the risk stats for a 10th grader.

Learn about stable coins

  • Show me a list of stable coins. Display visuals.
  • Tell me more about DAI. Display visuals.
  • Explain stable coins for my grandmother.

What Next? Explore other stats and other cryptos.

Pro Tip: Check back for updates prompts, and let us know your favorite Daizy prompts!