“Just as happiness is best experienced by not aiming for it directly, profits are best achieved by not making them the primary goal…”
– John Mackey and Raj Sisoda, Conscious Capitalism.  

Why do we invest? Think about it. We invest to make money, right? We take risks in an attempt to financially gain from predicting the future. It’s a money game.  

Now dig a little deeper. When I think about the word “invest”, two distinct ideas come to mind. Initially, I can’t quite put my finger on the difference. Let’s consult a dictionary.

There are two definitions of investing:  

     1. “expending money with the expectation of achieving a profit”


   2. “devoting (one’s time, effort, or energy) to a particular undertaking with the expectation of a worthwhile result.”

Take a look at the first definition: investing as it pertains to money. This definition feels like an equation. It has a crystal-clear input and output. There is little to no room for surprise outside of the quantity of money on the other side. We pile our money into an investment and the best we can hope for is more money.  

You’re probably like, duh. Stick with me.  

In the second definition: investing as it pertains to anything else, the output isn’t as clear. Unlike the “put some money in, expect to get more money out” definition, this one leaves room for a wide spectrum of value. Now think back to times in your life when you’re invested with more than your money. Maybe you’ve invested time and effort into learning a skill. Along with the expected output, the skill, did you gain a mentor relationship or an enhanced level of confidence in yourself? How about investing in physical fitness? Scientifically, it has been demonstrated that physical exercise also improves our mental and emotional health as well.

One of the best examples is investing in higher education. After a few years of study, we are likely to walk out with friends, career opportunities, and memorable experiences far exceeding the value of just a degree. These unexpected positive externalities are often the most valuable parts. The “worthwhile results” of investing are often multi-dimensional.  

So why don’t we view monetary investing like this? Traditionally, the maximum value attributable to the practice of investing money has been limited to the quantity of money one has the potential to accumulate. At Daizy, our mission is to expand that definition, supercharge the value proposition of investing, and bring new beauty and depth to its place in our lives.

We call it conscious investing.  

Daizy Conscious Investing

Treating our monetary investments like we treat all of our other investments brings a flat, one-dimensional practice to life. And the best part is, we know it is possible to invest our money as we invest in the rest of life – with our beliefs, ethics, and values, along with our wallets. Imagine if you could know that by investing your money in a company, you are actively enacting your own core values and can expect to profit financially. With Daizy, you can!  

Maybe you value sustainability. Maybe you believe more women should be on public company boards. Maybe ethically it is important to you to support companies that actively avoid testing their products on animals. We believe that you should have the knowledge and the choice to consciously invest, and that you will be a better investor for it.  

You’ll be more motivated to stick through downturns, when your portfolio makeup is aligned with your beliefs.  

You’ll feel more motivated to read analysis and company news when you are investing in companies that represent your values.  

And perhaps most importantly, you’ll look back on your time as an investor and realize that the fulfillment you gained was made up of much more than your profits.

“Just as happiness is best experienced by not aiming for it directly, profits are best achieved by not making them the primary goal…”